Classic Material

The Making of The Crusader: part one

Episode Summary

In the first episode of ‘Classic Material: The Making of The Crusader’, we trace Scribe’s early days, going way back to primary school, and riding with the Christchurch MC as he discovers hip-hop, connects with like-minded people across the country and, ultimately, links with P-Money with a view to releasing music.

Episode Notes

In the first episode of ‘Classic Material: The Making of The Crusader’, we trace Scribe’s early days, going way back to primary school, and riding with the Christchurch MC as he discovers hip-hop, connects with like-minded people across the country and, ultimately, links with P-Money with a view to releasing music.

Hosted by Steve Duck
Post Production by Posterboy Media
Classic Material is a co-production of Acclaim Magazine and Complex AU

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